RDF description Dr. Itzíar Casanueva Sanz

?  -  Present
itziar.casanueva [at] deusto.es

Itziar Casanueva Sanz holds a BA degree in Law (Specialisation in Economics), University of Deusto, and a PhD in Law. Her doctoral dissertation was titled “La imputabilidad, el consumo de drogas y su regulación jurídico-penal. Una revisión desde las ciencias de la salud”. (Criminal responsibility, drug use and its legal-criminal regulation. A review from the health sciences). She is a currently employed at the University of Deusto where she lectures at the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses. Most of her classes are taught in the undergraduate programme in Law and the official Master’s degree in Drug Dependencies and Other Addictions. She teaches the following subjects in the undergraduate programme in Law: “Sanctioning Power and Rule of Law”, “Theory of Crime and its Legal Consequences” and “Crimes, Offences and their Penalties” in both the Basque and Spanish languages. In the Master’s degree programme, she lectures on “The Criminal Responsibility of Drug Users: extenuating and exonerating circumstances”.