Jean Monnet Chair in Economic Constitutionalism and European Integration


This project seeks to promote the research lines, provide unique teaching opportunities, consolidate a group of active scholars in the field of EU studies coordinated by the JM Chair and increase the relation University-Society through its activities.

The proposal intends to implement an academic and research program dealing with an emerging issue on EU legal studies, the Economic Constitution of the European Union and its impact within the National orders and policies. As a result, the Chair staff will conduct under and postgraduate courses on advanced EU legal studies, tutorize undergrad-, master and phd thesis, publish several scientific articles and (at least) two monographs on the topic and will participate in short seminars, single doctoral lectures and external conferences, particularly in countries with few Jean Monnet programs in EU legal studies (such as Mexico or Turkey), fostering the dissemination of the results.

The issue of the Economic Constitution of the EU is a relatively known theoretical field, but until know scholarship has not devoted much time to it. The interordinal instability which suffers from the European area (coexistence of National Constitutional Law, EU Law, ECHR, International Law with numerous conflicting issues, particularly in the field of human rights) has been busted by the anti-crisis measures and the results of the lack or a truly Economic governance of the EU.

Indeed, the current economic crisis and the identity crisis of the EU itself have, at least, affected some founding principles of the European Union. The ordoliberal principles of the European Economic Constitution seem to be struggling with the increasing intervention mechanisms that the EU is setting up in order to control the economic crisis on the one hand, and Member States are avoiding the ordinary institutional decision making process, with the subsequently lack of transparency of those procedures, ultimately affecting the legitimacy of the EU itself. This legitimacy is also undermined by the austerity measures imposed to member States from the EU. The democratic gaps of the EU have been always pointed out, but its legitimacy has been progressively implemented through the ‘humanization’ of its law (the human rights discourse), the transparency of the decision making mechanisms and, ultimately, the institutional stability that provided to its member states, also guaranteeing the Welfare State, based on social rights.